Importing Fire-fighting Machinery

Importing fire-fighting machinery into Japan is regulated by the Fire Service Law.

Fire Service Law (fire alarms, fire pumps, fire hoses)

The Fire Service Law prohibits the sale, display for sale, and use in construction work in Japan of 12 items of fire-fighting machinery and equipment (“machinery and equipment subject to verification”): fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing agents for fire extinguishers, fire-extinguishing foam, fire detectors and transmitters, residential fire alarms, metal evacuation ladders, closed sprinkler heads, water-flow detectors, simultaneous release valves, repeaters, receivers, and slow descenders (Article 21-2, Paragraph 4 of the Law).

In addition, for certain fire extinguishing and other related equipment that does not fall under the above categories (“Machinery and equipment subject to voluntary labeling”), certain technical standards are established. Manufacturers and importers are required to inspect (Article 21-16-3 of the Fire Service Law) whether the equipment conforms to these standards. Further, equipment that conforms to the standards based on the inspection are allowed to be labeled as such (“Voluntary Labeling”) (Article 21-16-2 of the Fire Service Law).

In addition, importers are required to prepare and store inspection records, and to notify the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications when they intend to attach a voluntary label (Article 21-16-4 of the Fire Service Law).

Please contact us if you have any questions.